WWTP Clarifier Cleaning

With the extensive equipment and structures at Dover Township’s Wastewater Treatment Plant, our operators dedicate significant time to keeping everything clean and well-maintained. Even though we treat raw sewage from our residents, we take pride in maintaining our plant to the highest standards. This requires regular maintenance, pressure washing, and good old-fashioned elbow grease—all of which help extend the lifespan of our equipment and the many process control structures throughout the facility.

Each year, operators perform a deep clean on different sections of the plant. This involves temporarily taking parts of the plant offline to drain, pressure wash, paint, and/or repair structures and equipment. Recently, our team completed a full rehabilitation of the plant’s secondary clarifiers. These structures serve as the final stage of the biological treatment process before the treated effluent flows through our ultraviolet channels for disinfection and is discharged into receiving waters.

Over time, the clarifiers accumulate algae, biological buildup, and damage from sun exposure and weather, all of which can impact their integrity. Our operators spent several days draining and thoroughly cleaning these structures, making them look like new. They also inspected them for necessary repairs to ensure continued effective treatment of our effluent water.