Township Building Access During Construction

Dover Township will be completing a building addition and renovation project which is anticipated to begin March of 2025 and continue for approximately 12 months.  During that time the public will be affected in several ways:

  • A map is being provided to aid the public, vendors and other agencies in determining how to access the facility during construction, click here to view this map.
  • Since construction is located to the front of the building, construction activity will limit public access. The Public Entrance to the facility will therefore be from Brooklyn Road only.  Those needing to turn left out of our facility will need to do so from the normal entrance depicted by a Red X on the map which is EXIT ONLY.
  • Front Office Operations including Utility Billing and Reception will be located in an office trailer to rear of the building off of Brooklyn Road near the Eagle View Parking Lot depicted by a Brown Rectangle. A Drop Box for payments will be located at the Blue Dot on the map.
  • During construction, all public meetings will be relocated to the Community Building Banquet Room located at 3700 Davidsburg Road.  We will begin holding meetings at this location with the March 24th Board of Supervisors Meeting.

We apologize for the inconvenience that will likely come during this construction; however these improvements are necessary to provide for future staffing, an enlarged public meeting room capacity, and security to the building.  Please click here to read more about the project from a previous E-Newsletter article.