Can I tour the Dover Township WWTP?

Tours of the plant can be arranged by calling the plant at (717) 292-4911, ext. 1.  Please call at least 2 weeks ahead to make sure that safe and proper arrangements can be made to facilitate your group.  For safety sake, tours are only given during daylight hours and in…

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How can residents and/or system users help?

Dispose of household products safely. Don’t pour solvents, pesticides, paint thinners, engine oil, or household cleaning products with hazardous chemicals down the drain or into a storm sewer. Take them to a recycling center or hazardous waste collection site. Cooking oils and grease should be collected in a container, covered,…

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Who operates the treatment plant?

The wastewater treatment system is owned by the Dover Township Sewer Authority and is leased to Dover Township to operate and maintain the system. Plant operation is done by highly trained and certified operators who are employees of Dover Township.  After a thorough training and exam process, operators are licensed…

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