The wastewater treatment system is owned by the Dover Township Sewer Authority and is leased to Dover Township to operate and maintain the system. Plant operation is done by highly trained and certified operators who are employees of Dover Township. After a thorough training and exam process, operators are licensed…
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Sludge is a generic term for the solids removed from any plant. These solids are treated at this facility by aerobic digestion. This is a natural biological process that utilizes existing bacteria to stabilize the solids. The stabilized sludge, called biosolids, must meet many strict State and Federal requirements before…
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This treatment plant has a design capacity to treat an average of 8 million gallons per day and consists of a sewage grinder, pumps, grit removal systems, Biological Nutrient Removal Carrousel systems, final clarifiers, and ultraviolet light disinfection. The removed contaminants, called sludge, are thickened, aerobically stabilized, and dewatered prior…
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This facility is located at 851 Graffius Road, York, PA 17404. The Dover Township plant is physically located in Conewago Township and has a York mailing address. Please click here for directions.
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Wastewater treatment usually consists of physical, chemical and biological actions in some various combinations to efficiently and cost-effectively clean the water and treat the removed material. The size and type of the treatment units are very specific to the quantity and characteristics of the wastewater.
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A wastewater treatment plant cleans the water so it can be safely returned to the environment. It removes various solids, which includes everything from rags and sticks to sand and smaller particles found in wastewater. It reduces organic material and pollutants by the controlled action of helpful bacteria and other…
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