Roadside Mowing

Managing vegetation along our streets is an important task for the Public Works Department. Roadside mowing helps to keep our street safer for motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians by improving the visibility of signs, keeps roadside ditches clear, prevents vegetation from migrating out into the right-of-way of the road, while also reducing obstructions to sight distances at intersections.

This activity is performed regularly throughout the spring and summer, and more often during rainy periods and other periods of rapid growth. Emphasis is placed on intersections to maintain safe sight distances.  Please help protect our employees by maintaining a safe distance behind the slow-moving tractor on the road and pass with extreme caution.

Residents are encouraged to maintain their property adjacent to street right-of-ways to avoid the need, and resulting coarse cutting and trimming produced by the Township’s sidearm mower.  A general guideline for homes adjacent to roadways is to keep any shrubs, bushes, tree limbs, etc. out of the roadway and a minimum of six (6) feet behind the edge of pavement and out of the line of sight for properties located at intersections.