Preserving Our Agricultural Heritage: A Cornerstone of Community Planning

Dear Residents of Dover Township,

As we delve into the latest updates on community planning in Dover Township, we are compelled to highlight the importance of our agricultural heritage. Our rural landscape and agricultural roots have played a fundamental role in shaping the identity of our community and continue to be a cornerstone of our planning efforts.

Dover Township is a rural community. Nearly 75% of the land zoned in Dover Township is either zoned as A – Agriculture or CV – Conservation. Their district purposes are as follows: A – In areas where agricultural activity remains strong, Agricultural Districts are established to protect and stabilize agriculture as an ongoing economic activity by generally permitting only those land uses and activities which are either agricultural in nature or act in direct support of agricultural activity. CV – The purpose of this district is to prescribe a zoning category for those areas where because of natural geographic factors and existing land uses, it is considered feasible and desirable to conserve open spaces, water supply sources, woodland areas, wildlife areas, visual amenities and views from the roadway, other natural resources, and farmland. This district may include steeply sloped areas, stream valleys, water supply sources, wooded areas, and farmed areas adjacent thereto.

Zoning by the Numbers – Dover
as of June 2024
Zoning District Acres SQ Miles Percentage
A – Agriculture 15475.2 24.18 57.75%
CV – Conservation 4716.8 7.37 17.60%
R3 – Medium Density Residential 2732.8 4.27 10.20%
R1 – Low Density Residential 1068.8 1.67 3.99%
C – Commercial 851.2 1.33 3.18%
I – Industrial 812.8 1.27 3.03%
R4 – High Density Residential 518.4 0.81 1.93%
V – Village 307.2 0.48 1.15%
BP – Business/Office Park 313.6 0.49 1.17%
TOTAL 26796.8 acres 41.87 sq mi 100.00%
Farms in Ag Security Area (ASA)
7101 26%
Farms in Preservation 2695.966 10%
Growth Boundary Roughly 10.1 sq mi 25%

Agricultural Heritage and Community Identity

Dover Township’s rich agricultural heritage is deeply embedded in our community’s identity. Our fertile soils and farming traditions have been integral to our history, shaping the landscape and fostering a strong sense of community pride. As we navigate community planning initiatives, it is imperative that we recognize and preserve the legacy of our agricultural heritage, ensuring that it remains an enduring source of pride and prosperity for generations to come.

Balancing Growth with Agricultural Preservation

While we embrace responsible, planned growth and development within our Township, we are committed to preserving and promoting our agricultural heritage. Our community planning endeavors actively seek to strike a balance between responsible development and the preservation of agricultural lands. Through thoughtful zoning and land use policies, we aim to safeguard our farmlands and open spaces, fostering a sustainable and vibrant agricultural landscape that enriches our community. This is evident by our efforts to not expand our growth boundary as outlined in the 2020 Comprehensive Plan.

Supporting Local Agriculture and Sustainability

Our commitment to preserving our agricultural heritage extends to supporting local farmers and agricultural sustainability. We recognize the vital role of our farming community in providing fresh, locally grownproduce and sustaining our rural way of life. By promoting agricultural initiatives, fostering partnerships with local farmers, and advocating for sustainable farming practices, we are dedicated to ensuring that agriculture remains a thriving and integral part of our community. As we move into 2025, more efforts will be focused toward highlighting & enhancing our agricultural heritage as was outlined in the 2020 Comprehensive Plan, such as marking preserved farms. The Township has partnered with Explore York to develop concept signage as can be shown here.


Celebrating Agricultural Traditions

As we chart the course for our community’s future, we celebrate the enduring traditions of agriculture in Dover Township. Our community planning initiatives strive to create opportunities for residents to connect with our agricultural heritage, whether through farmers’ markets or roadside stands, agritourism, or educational initiatives. By embracing and promoting our agricultural traditions, we honor the resilience and ingenuity of our farming community and reinforce the ties that bind us together as a Township.

Looking Ahead

As we continue our community planning efforts, we remain committed to preserving our agricultural legacy and integrating it into our vision for a sustainable, thriving, and inclusive Dover Township.

We look forward to the support and engagement of our residents and agricultural community as we navigate these planning initiatives. Public input and participation will help to ensure that our agricultural heritage remains a vital part of our community’s fabric.

Thank you for your dedication to the preservation of our agricultural heritage and the future of Dover Township.


John McLucas
Dover Township Planning Director