Welcome to Dover Township
The Dover Township Municipal Building is located at 2480 West Canal Rd in beautiful Dover, Pennsylvania. Click the image to get directions using Google maps. If you would like to contact us via phone, please call 717-292-3634.
Welcome to Dover Township!
On behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Dover Township and all municipal employees, I am pleased to welcome you to our municipal website, which is a resource that we are constantly working to improve for the good of our residents. The website details the efforts of the Board of Supervisors, appointed officials, and Township personnel in the administration and operation of our infrastructure to provide you with quality services. Information on how those services are provided is detailed within the website. The website also provides useful information on the wonderful community you have chosen to live in and the community activities provided by Dover Township and other organizations that make this a community in which you can create lasting memories.
As Township Manager, it is my sincere hope that you find this website to be useful and informative in the development of your understanding of our local government, its essential services provided and the opportunities for engagement in the community.
Dover Township is a growing community with a hometown feel. It is a community where a full range of efficient municipal services are provided daily. The Board of Supervisors and I take great pride in providing high quality municipal services. Our staff works tirelessly to seize opportunities at grant funding in order to improve this community with as little need for tax increases as possible. Since 2016, we have been able to bring $4.29 million dollars in grant funds to the Dover Community for planning initiatives, public infrastructure improvements, pollution reduction, flood mitigation and recreation growth. We will continue this worthwhile endeavor to provide quality services for you. I hope you enjoy exploring our website and find it to be an informative description of our local government as we continue to build a future our community can take pride in.
We welcome you to our community.
Laurel A. Oswalt, CPM
Township Manager
If you are building or buying a home, Dover Township has many developments that can provide a variety of housing options to you and your family. Our Planning and Building Department works with developers and home owners alike to help you obtain the proper approvals to become an important part of our community.
Interested in developing a new business or expanding your current one? Dover Township has been working through its Industrial and Commercial Development Committee to promote our community as a wonderful place to develop your business. Our hope is that the content you find here will help you decide that Dover Township is where your business needs to be!
Recent Posts, Information & Articles
As local officials continue to be the “boots on the ground” in helping communities be safe in this trying time, PSATS wants to share some additional guidance from the Commonwealth to assist in the enforcement of the orders that Gov. Tom Wolf and the Secretary of Health issued this week…
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Dover High School has long offered seniors the opportunity to work in the community and with local business and government agencies. These opportunities are offered through their Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. Under the current CTE program, there are opportunities for job shadowing and internships. DASD offers the following CTE…
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The York County Area Agency on Aging’s APPRISE Program will offer free personalized counseling during Medicare’s Annual Open Enrollment Period, which begins October 15 and ends December 7. The annual open enrollment period is when Medicare beneficiaries can review their coverage and determine if health and prescription plans continue to…
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With the construction of the new public works garage along West Canal Road, we were required to construct rain gardens to filter out any contaminants from our storm water runoff before it leaves our property and drains ultimately to the Chesapeake Bay. A rain garden is a garden of native…
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This public MS4 seminar was held on Wednesday, September 18, 2019. Below are the handouts that were provided during the seminar: 2019 MS4 Seminar – Building a Rain Barrel Handouts
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Do you know if your house is located in a Floodplain? Are you susceptible to high levels of Radon? The York County Hazard Mitigation Plan and Viewer can quickly help you identify which hazards may affect your property and provide information on how to minimize the impacts from each hazard.…
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Below is a video produced by Penn Waste about Recycling Basics. This has some good information that we all can follow:
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The PA General Assembly passed House Bill 542 in October of 2017. This bill was subsequently signed into law by the Governor. PA residents can now purchase and use “Class C” fireworks. These fireworks are commonly known as consumer-grade fireworks. These can include firecrackers, bottle rockets, and other fireworks that…
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Ouija board, tarot cards, fortune cookie, tea leaves or crystal ball…whatever you use, we want your predictions for 2045. Point your camera at the QR code below to tell us what you want the future of transportation to look like. Or visit surveymonkey.com/r/goyork_go_1
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Dover Township is in need of alternate members for the Zoning Hearing Board. The Dover Township Zoning Hearing Board is a five member Board. This body is a Quasi Judicial Body whose authority is granted by the Municipal Planning Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. There is one alternate member.…
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In 2016, Penn Waste received over 500 pounds of medical waste at our recycling facility! This is a public safety hazard for our team members who manually sort through the recycling and are at risk of getting stuck by a needle. Medical waste needs to be properly disposed of in…
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Beginning Jan. 1, 2017, PennDOT will no longer issue license plate stickers when drivers renew their vehicle registrations. The sticker elimination is part of a $3 million-plus cost-saving initiative under Act 89 of 2013. Customers are still required to maintain current vehicle registration, and must present a registration card to…
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