Welcome to Dover Township
The Dover Township Municipal Building is located at 2480 West Canal Rd in beautiful Dover, Pennsylvania. Click the image to get directions using Google maps. If you would like to contact us via phone, please call 717-292-3634.
Welcome to Dover Township!
On behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Dover Township and all municipal employees, I am pleased to welcome you to our municipal website, which is a resource that we are constantly working to improve for the good of our residents. The website details the efforts of the Board of Supervisors, appointed officials, and Township personnel in the administration and operation of our infrastructure to provide you with quality services. Information on how those services are provided is detailed within the website. The website also provides useful information on the wonderful community you have chosen to live in and the community activities provided by Dover Township and other organizations that make this a community in which you can create lasting memories.
As Township Manager, it is my sincere hope that you find this website to be useful and informative in the development of your understanding of our local government, its essential services provided and the opportunities for engagement in the community.
Dover Township is a growing community with a hometown feel. It is a community where a full range of efficient municipal services are provided daily. The Board of Supervisors and I take great pride in providing high quality municipal services. Our staff works tirelessly to seize opportunities at grant funding in order to improve this community with as little need for tax increases as possible. Since 2016, we have been able to bring $4.29 million dollars in grant funds to the Dover Community for planning initiatives, public infrastructure improvements, pollution reduction, flood mitigation and recreation growth. We will continue this worthwhile endeavor to provide quality services for you. I hope you enjoy exploring our website and find it to be an informative description of our local government as we continue to build a future our community can take pride in.
We welcome you to our community.
Laurel A. Oswalt, CPM
Township Manager
If you are building or buying a home, Dover Township has many developments that can provide a variety of housing options to you and your family. Our Planning and Building Department works with developers and home owners alike to help you obtain the proper approvals to become an important part of our community.
Interested in developing a new business or expanding your current one? Dover Township has been working through its Industrial and Commercial Development Committee to promote our community as a wonderful place to develop your business. Our hope is that the content you find here will help you decide that Dover Township is where your business needs to be!
Recent Posts, Information & Articles
In 2020, a new automatic bar screen was installed at the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The scope of this project was to remove rags (paper products, baby wipes, etc….) and other debris that enters the waste stream. Rags and debris are a massive problem to the Wastewater Treatment Plant, (WWTP)…
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Dover Township is asking for the customer’s help with completing our Lead Service Line Inventory. Lead is very dangerous to human health. For children, lead exposure can cause irreversible and life-long health effects, including affecting IQ, focus, and academic achievement. Drinking water is a potential source of lead in homes.…
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Three rounds of Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Funds were utilized in 2016, 2018, and 2024 to purchase, demolish and relocate tenants from this area subject to repeated flooding. The program is a voluntary buyout program through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (75% funding) and the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (25%…
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Little Conewago Restoration Master Plan The York County Stormwater Consortium identified the area on the above plan as a potential Pollution Reduction Project under the Chesapeake Bay Pollution Reduction Plan. Dover and West Manchester Townships funded a Feasibility Study that was performed by Land Studies in 2021 by sharing…
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Getting Started with Savvy Citizen: A Simple User Guide Download and Install the App: Visit your app store (Google Play Store or Apple App Store). Search for “Savvy Citizen” and download the app. Install it on your smartphone or tablet. Account Setup: Open the app and sign up using…
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Joint Comprehensive Recreation, Park & Open Space Plan In 2023, Dover Borough and Dover Township completed a Joint Comprehensive Recreation, Park & Open Space Plan (Rec Plan). We worked with YSM Landscape Architects and Recreation and Park Solutions on the project. A committee worked for over a year as…
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Recreation – Behind the Scenes Planning Sensory Santa Chalet Harris Sensory Santa has been a full circle moment for me. I am a parent of two special needs children. My boys are now in their twenties. When they were small, we did not participate in large events in the…
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York County Coalition for Clean Waters bi-monthly newsletter about the implementation of the Countywide Action Plan for clean waters. Please click the link below to view the PDF: June 2023 ReCAP Issue 17
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Hello and Welcome to the Area! We are pleased that you chose a home in Dover and hope that you grow to enjoy the area as much as we all do. Below you will find the New Residents packet available for download. If you would like an original, paper copy,…
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Want to know what’s going on in Dover Township? Sign-up for Savvy Citizen Savvy Citizen will keep you better informed of important township news and happenings in our community. Sign-up for for Apple and Android users is simple and free. Become more savvy and receive useful township updates, community…
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Project Lifesaver provides law enforcement with a program designed to protect, and when necessary, quickly locate individuals with cognitive disorders who are prone to the life threatening behavior of wandering. The necessity of this program was determined through the correlation between cognitive conditions and the act of wandering. The program…
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ANNOUNCEMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) JOINT ZONING ORDINANCE REVISIONS FOR DOVER BOROUGH AND DOVER TOWNSHIP Dover Borough and Dover Township, York County, Pennsylvania are accepting proposals for a one-time contract to perform certain professional services work for the Borough and Township to revise the communities’ Zoning Ordinances. A packet…
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