2020 WWTP Upgrade Bar Screen

In 2020, a new automatic bar screen was installed at the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The scope of this project was to remove rags (paper products, baby wipes, etc….) and other debris that enters the waste stream.  Rags and debris are a massive problem to the Wastewater Treatment Plant, (WWTP)…

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Protect Your Tap

Dover Township is asking for the customer’s help with completing our Lead Service Line Inventory. Lead is very dangerous to human health. For children, lead exposure can cause irreversible and life-long health effects, including affecting IQ, focus, and academic achievement. Drinking water is a potential source of lead in homes.…

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Savvy Citizen

Blue box with pointed corner down in the background with the outline of three people colored red in the foreground. Savvy Citizen logo.

Getting Started with Savvy Citizen: A Simple User Guide   Download and Install the App: Visit your app store (Google Play Store or Apple App Store). Search for “Savvy Citizen” and download the app. Install it on your smartphone or tablet. Account Setup: Open the app and sign up using…

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Sensory Santa

Recreation – Behind the Scenes Planning Sensory Santa Chalet Harris   Sensory Santa has been a full circle moment for me.  I am a parent of two special needs children.  My boys are now in their twenties.  When they were small, we did not participate in large events in the…

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Project Lifesaver

Gold circle with black shield in the middle and gold text, "Northern York County Regional Police York County PA"

Project Lifesaver provides law enforcement with a program designed to protect, and when necessary, quickly locate individuals with cognitive disorders who are prone to the life threatening behavior of wandering. The necessity of this program was determined through the correlation between cognitive conditions and the act of wandering. The program…

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RFP Joint Zoning Ordinance Revisions

ANNOUNCEMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) JOINT ZONING ORDINANCE REVISIONS FOR DOVER BOROUGH AND DOVER TOWNSHIP   Dover Borough and Dover Township, York County, Pennsylvania are accepting proposals for a one-time contract to perform certain professional services work for the Borough and Township to revise the communities’ Zoning Ordinances.  A packet…

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