Mandatory Water and/or Sanitary Sewer Connections

Dear Property Owner,

In October of 2022, the Dover Township Board of Supervisors and Dover Township Sewer Authority sent letters to all property owners along Route 74/Carlisle Road and Harmony Grove Road, North of the Borough Project area, to notify these property owners of the sanitary sewer and water upgrade/installation project that was scheduled to begin.  At that time, it was indicated that properties that were not connected to the water system and/or sanitary sewer system are required to connect at the completion of the project.

Letters were sent to property owners in October of 2024 requesting the mandatory connection(s) be made, with a ninety (90) day timeframe for water and a sixty (60) day timeframe for sanitary sewer. At that time, Dover Township heard from multiple property owners requesting an extension, due to the holidays and contractor time constraints. Dover Township considered the extension and granted that request, for both the water/sanitary sewer connection(s), the deadline is now July 1, 2025.

Please contact our office to begin the process to obtain the necessary paperwork and permit/s to connect to the system.  Questions regarding the permit process can be directed at Jenica Kroft at 717-292-3634 or Any other questions should be directed to Christopher Hamme, Public Works Director or Matthew Helwig, Assistant Public Works Director at 717-292-3634, or  Thank you.



Christopher D. Hamme Public Works Director