Lead Service Line Inventory Update

Dover Township Water System consists of approximately five thousand nine hundred and eight (5,908) service connections. The EPA and DEP tasked Dover Township to complete an inventory of all service line materials. One option was to generate a random pool sample of all services that could have potentially been constructed of lead. These services consist of homes that were built before the lead ban in 1986. With this service selection of connections, Dover Township was able to determine that four hundred and fifty-four (454) service lines required field verification. Dover Township completed the field verifications by hydro excavating a one (1) foot by three (3) foot hole at each of the four hundred and fifty-four (454) properties at water shut offs (curb stop). Dover Township also performed interior pipe inspections by the entry point at or near the water meter. After these inspections, Dover Township determined all service material was copper, NO lead lines were identified. The completed service line inventory will be submitted to DEP by October 16th, 2024. Dover Township, thanks you for your assistance and patience throughout this endeavor. Please note that if you were one of the four hundred and fifty-four (454) residents to have your service line exposed in your yard, we will perform final yard restorations within the next few weeks. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dover Township at 717-292-3634.