On November 20, 2024, the ICDC Committee had the opportunity to tour the Dover Area High School Career Technical Education (CTE) program. Seeing what resources are available to our students was eye-opening. Students wishing to enter the workforce right out of high school have an incredible advantage to gain experience on equipment and learn industry standards right here in Dover. For students who may want to further their education after after high school, the program provides an advantage to give them a head start before entering college or furthering their education at a technical school. An excerpt from the DASD website below provides an overview of the program.
Message from the Director
Welcome to the Dover Area High School Career Technical Education! These Pathways will enhance the opportunities currently available here and prepare our students for the highly technical 21st century workplace.
Dover Area High School CTE program provides opportunities to complete course work in a variety of areas, including Business (Accounting Technology, Marketing, and Office Business Management), STEM (Engineering Technology, and Computer Technology), Visual Communications (Commercial & Advertising Art), and Agriculture (Agriculture Mechanics [general trades career skill sets], Horticulture and Agriculture General [animal science and production farm focus]).
Programs in each Pathway are called Program of Study and are categorized by CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs) Codes. The purpose of the Classification of Instructional Programs is to provide a system that supports accurate tracking, assessment, and reporting of programs of study and program completions activity. CIP was developed by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) in 1980.
Since, 2012-13 School year, Dover Area High School has offered Department of Education Bureau of Career & Technical Education approved programs. Dover Area High School is unique to any other district in York County that DAHS offers these CTE programs through career paths by scheduling student elective credits to create the approved programs pathways. These programs prepare DAHS students for post-secondary education, Military Services, and employment within their chosen field of interest. Student training focuses on career and technical skills with an emphasis on education and training beyond high school. This combination is necessary to develop a skilled and knowledgeable workforce to meet the needs of employers now and in the future. Students who enroll in a career and technical education program complete workforce development training. Students can acquire college credits through state and local articulation agreements with post-secondary institutions, earn industry certifications, and participate in work-based learning experiences.
The Dover Area School District is an equal opportunity institution. It will not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in admission to its programs, services, or activities, in access to them, in the treatment of individuals, or any aspect of its operations, including its employment practices, as required by Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504. The lack of English skills shall not be a barrier to admission or participation in the district’s activities and programs. The district offers CTE programs in Business, STEM, Visual Communications, and Agriculture. For information regarding civil rights or grievance procedure, contact Dr. Troy Wiesting, Title IX Coordinator, twiestling@doversd.org or 717-292-8066. For information regarding Section 504, contact Mrs. Katherine Guyer, Director of Exceptional Children, kguyer@doversd.org, or 717-292-3671.
We look forward to partnering with you as you explore and prepare for your future career goals!