Dover Rec Plan 2025 Goals

In 2023, Dover Township and Dover Borough completed a Joint Comprehensive Recreation, Parks and Open Space Plan (Rec Plan).  The Rec Plan set six different goals with many recommendations for each goal.

  1. Renewal and Investment
  2. Recreation for All
  3. Recreation Program Expansion
  4. Relationship and Capacity Building
  5. Identity and Awareness
  6. Connected Community

The Rec Plan serves as a guide for the next 10 years of development of Recreation in the Dover Community.

In 2025, Dover Recreation has set the following goals:

Recommendation 3.1 – Expand and Diversify Recreation Programming

  • With the creation of the new Recreation Program Coordinator position, this will allow for additional time to be spent on creating new programming.

Recommendation 4.1 – Formalize the Provision of Joint Parks & Recreation Services in Dover Borough and Dover Township

  • Finalize this process in connection with 4.2/4.5

Recommendation 4.7 – Continue to Seek Outside Funding

  • Research additional/different grant options for projects and programming. Reach out for sponsorships to Dover businesses and other businesses outside the Dover area.

Recommendation 4.8 – Develop a Parks & Recreation Volunteer Program

  • Work to develop a volunteer program that meets regularly. If joint rec services are finalized, volunteering will be a part of the meeting agenda for the new rec board.

Recommendation 5.1 – Brand Parks & Recreation Services as a Cohesive System

  • New branding is forthcoming with the name Dover Area Parks & Recreation.
  • New Dover Rec swag will be available with the new logo. You can show your support of rec by purchasing some of the items.

Recommendation 5.2 – Prepare & Distribute an Annual Report

  • The Recreation Department will put together an annual report that summarizes the 2025 year. This report will be presented to the leadership from the Borough and the Township.

Recommendation 5.3 – Implement Inexpensive Marketing Tools

  • Dover Rec will be exploring new ways to increase awareness of upcoming programming.

Recommendation 6.3 – Develop Trails in Existing Parks

  • Work with the Facilities Superintendent to determine where additional trails could be added in Brookside Park, Hadley Park, Edgewood Park, Mayfield Park, etc.