Downloadable and Online Forms, Permits and Applications are located below. Please read the information below the downloads in order to learn more about Building, Zoning and Stormwater Management Permits.
Online Forms
The forms listed below have been developed for Dover Township and will re-direct you away from Dover Township’s website. These forms will be automatically sent to the appropriate department/contact upon completion:
Downloadable Forms, Permits & Applications
All forms, applications, and permits below are in Portable Document Format (PDF). If you do not have a PDF viewer installed on your computer, please download Adobe Reader or Foxit.
Building Permits
The Dover Township Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 27, Section 1101 states for the erection, enlargement, repair, alteration, moving or demolition of any structure, a building permit shall be obtained from the Zoning Officer. This shall be in accordance with the Uniform Construction Code (Chapter 5, Part 1).
Our staff encourages our residents to call the Permit Department when planning projects. We will be happy to let you know what, if anything, is required for your particular improvement.
A Building Permit is required for:
- New home construction
- Additions to existing home
- Decks with walking surfaces more than 30 inches above the ground
- Structural alterations to existing buildings
- Pools & hot tubs. Any pool that holds 24 inches of water or more requires a permit and must meet all pool requirements including approved electric services and barrier
- Sheds, garages, carports and/or outbuildings 1,000 square feet or larger
In addition to a permit application, some projects will require more detailed information such as two copies of building specs and/or installation specs.
Zoning and Building Permits are not immediately issued. Your permit application is carefully reviewed to ensure that you meet all the requirements or Dover’s ordinances. Also, we check all projects with our recorded land development plans to ensure that there are no hazards involved with your project. Once all the proper information is received, the Building Code Official has up to 15 business days to act on residential projects and up to 30 business days to act on commercial projects. We ALWAYS try to process them as quickly as possible.
Do not proceed with work without a permit. If work proceeds, the owner may be subject to fines determined by the District Magistrate. A permit shall be obtained before beginning construction, alteration, replacement or repair of any structure. If you have questions regarding the requirement of a building permit please call our office at (717) 292-3634, Monday through Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm or use our online contact form.
Zoning Permits
A Zoning Permit is required for the following projects:
- Sheds, garages or other outbuildings (prefabricated or site built) which are between 100 and 999 square feet in size, one story.
- Decks in which the ground floor (walking surface) of the deck is 30 inches or less above the ground
- Patios and paved terraces
- Fences
- Sidewalks or walkways not in the road right-of-way
- Demolition
- Any other item that the Zoning Department deems appropriate.
All applications for a Zoning Permit must include the following:
- A completed application with signature
- A site plan detailing any and all information on the Site Plan Requirement Sheet that applies to the property.
Site Plan Requirements
The following information is required for all permits:
- Location of all property lines
- Location and size of all existing buildings and improvements, including but not limited to, homes, driveways, walkways, sheds, decks, patios, porches, swimming pools, garages, hot tubs and any other outbuildings
- Location of all proposed projects and other improvements, including but not limited to, driveways, walkways, sheds, decks, patios, porches, swimming pools, garages, hot tubs and any other outbuilding.
- Exact dimensions of all existing & proposed improvements on the property
- Exact dimensions from proposed improvements to all property lines.
- Location of all easements on the property, public & private, with dimensions
- Street names
- Water & Sewer lines
Sample Site Plan
Stormwater Management Permits
Many property improvements will also require a Stormwater Management Permit. The basic purpose of Stormwater Management is to control run-off created by new projects. The run-off needs to remain on your property, be reabsorbed into the ground re-charging our groundwater.
If your project involves less than 1000 square feet of new impervious coverage and slopes on the property is less than 5%, township staff can work with you to determine if any type of Stormwater Management control method is required and what your options would be.
If your total project is larger than 1000 square feet, you will need a Stormwater Plan designed by a qualified professional. Please contact our office for additional information at (717) 292-3634, Monday through Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm or use our online contact form.