Dover Township is committed to providing its residents with quality utility services, public works infrastructure, recreational activities, and township related information. Having a staff that supports this goal is vital to the management and success of Dover Township. Some of the positions and individuals associated with administration include:
Primary Areas of Responsibility
Township Manager: Oversight of budget development and long-term planning, human resource operations and administrative functions including the adoption of policies and procedures, purchasing, acquisition of grant funding, etc. Serve as primary contact to the elected officials and engage in public relations activities. Parade and Assembly permit and Right To Know responses are processed through this individual. | Laurel Oswalt |
Township Secretary: Preparation of minutes and meeting agendas, records management, and clerical assistance as needed to both the Township Manager and Finance Staff. Serves an Assistant Right To Know Officer. | Brooke Scearce |
Assistant Township Manager: Responsible for human resource related inquiries, oversight of front office administrative staff, insurances, contracts/RFPs and lien payment calculations. Serves as an Assistant Right To Know Officer. | Kristina Rodgers |
Treasurer: Accounts Receivable/Payable, invoicing, vendor processing and form requests, budget preparation, etc. are all functions of this position. | Trena Hall |
Director of Planning: New Subdivision and Land Development Plans, Zoning Variances, Special Exceptions, Use Certificates and Zoning Ordinance violations are processed through this position. | John McLucas |
Permit & Enforcement Officer: Examines and processes permit applications and interacts heavily with the public through providing accurate information and issuing ordinance violations. | Garry Waltersdorff |
Fire Marshall: Enforcement of the Fire Code and Life Safety Code. Responsible to inspect commercial facilities for compliance with these codes. | Glenn Jansen |
Public Works Director: Director of sewer, water, roads, wastewater treatment, and facilities department to provide coordinated efforts for all public works functions. | Christopher Hamme |
Roads Superintendent: Management of the crew responsible for storm sewer, township owned roads, sign maintenance, road right of way mowing, street sweeping, etc. | Gerald Lighty |
Parks & Facilities Superintendent: Management of the crew responsible for the maintenance, repair and upkeep of Township owned buildings, parks and grounds, as well as brush and leaf collection service. | Judd Wolfe |
Utilities Superintendent: Management of the crew responsible for the operation and maintenance of the drinking water and wastewater collection systems. | Stanley Jett |
Assistant Public Works Director: Assists the Public Works Director with projects involving utilities and stormwater. Involved with MS4 Stormwater compliance. | Matthew Helwig |
Technology Specialist: Preparation and data collection of Township infrastructure for mapping purposes and website development. | Nathan Stone |
Parks & Recreation Director: Oversight of Township Parks, Rentals, Programming and Events. Solicits advertising and sponsorships for events. | Chalet Harris |
Utility Billing & Collection Clerk: Billing of water and sewer collection, settlement calculations, connection permits to the sewer and water systems, and reporting/administrative services to these departments. | Jenica Kroft |
Administrative Clerk: Respond to Trash/Recycling information inquiries including serving as the Recycling Coordinator, Adopt A Road/Right of Way Program, serve as back up to the Recreation Director in scheduling rental of Township properties, newsletter preparation and advertising, and other front office duties. | Camber Coleman |
Receptionist: Process and answer basic questions regarding burn permits, schedule inspections, take messages and complaints for various departments, process highway occupancy permits, clerical duties for the public works departments, and other general front office duties. | TBD |
Emergency Management Coordinator: Position responsible for coordinating services in an emergency event and preparing amendments to the Township Emergency Operations Plan. | Barry Emig |
Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent: Management of the operations and treatment facility the facility and its compliance fall to this position. | Christian Jordan |
Wastewater Laboratory Supervisor: Management of the employees responsible for analyzing the influent, effluent, and process control samples. | Ryan Gentzler |
Planning Assistant: Responds to general inquiries for building permits and zoning matters, administrative functions for the on-lot septic program, issues plumbing licenses and general assistance to the Director of Planning. | Katina Wagner |
Assistant Utilities Superintendent: Assists with management of the crew responsible for the operation and maintenance of the drinking water and wastewater collection systems. Performs water and sewer lateral inspections. | Mike Ladd |
Assistant Wastewater Plant Superintendent: Supervisor of the operations staff that performs maintenance functions at the plant. Chase Billet Management of the crew responsible for the operation and maintenance of the drinking water and wastewater collection systems. | Chase Billet |
More Administration Information