Dover Township is currently planning an extensive multi-year cured in place pipe lining (CIPP) project, within the Sunrise Acres Development in Dover Township. This CIPP project consists of lining pipe ranging from forty-two inches (42”) to fifteen inches (15”). The entire length of this project in linear feet is six thousand four hundred and five feet (6,405’). Dover Township has broken the project into three (3) phases/years. The following is an approximate length of each phase/year:
- Phase/year one consists of two thousand four hundred and seventy-four feet (2,474’).
- Phase/year two consists of two thousand one hundred and four feet (2,104’).
- Finally, phase/year three consists of one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven feet (1,827’).
Sunrise Acres Development was constructed starting in 1973. This is one of the older developments in Dover Township. In earlier years, the type of pipe used for storm sewers was corrugated metal. The average life expectancy of corrugated metal pipes is ten (10) to thirty-five years (35). With the current pipe being fifty-one (51) years, it is beginning to fail. The bottom of the pipe has rusted/rotted away. It is not properly carrying storm sewer as it was designed. The residents that live in the two hundred and thirty-two (232) homes within this development are affected in some fashion. There are also six (6) lots that have not been developed yet. The following are some examples of how the residents could be affected but are not limited to:
- Basement flooding
- Property flooding
- Street flooding
- Possibility of roadway failure or collapse.
Dover Township would like to move this project along to avoid any of the above activities from occurring. Should the residents’ basements flood, there’s a chance of mold and poor air quality. If these storm sewer pipes were to collapse, emergency vehicles would not be able to aid the residents, along with school buses, municipal waste haulers, mail carriers, and residents would not be able to access their property. In conclusion, Dover Township does not want the quality of life for the residents within the Sunrise Acres development to be affected by storm sewer pipes.