Featured Home Grown Business:
Platts Motors, Inc
2255 Oakland Road
Dover, PA 17315
(717) 767-5981
Directions to Business
Platts Motors has been operating in Dover Township for 44+ years. Owner, John Platts, was born and raised in the Dover area and graduated from Dover Area School District. Lots of generations have been visiting Platts Motors over the years. When asked what they like most about doing business in Dover Township, Platts provided the following response, “The community and customers. It’s always a joy to see families grow and change throughout the years of doing business with them.”
When asked about their story and how the Platts business has grown & expanded over the years, John provide the following summary:
“In my early 20’s, I was not the responsible business man I am today. After having been let go from a few different positions for multiple reasons, I decided I wanted to be my own boss. I had completed 2 years of automotive technology following my graduation from high school. With that experience, I began renting a garage bay from a friend to begin my career in the automotive repair and sales industry. in 1979, I purchased the Platts location on Oakland Road. It originally started out as a 2-bay garage with a used parts store located in the barn. Fast forward to 2008, it was time for another upgrade for more garage bays. Everyday, Ron, myself, and a few other buddies began the long process of building the current Platts Motors building as it stands today. Platts Motors wouldn’t be the successful shop it is today if not for Ron, our service manager, dedicating the last 30+ years to the business, as well as the hardworking mechanics that show up each and every day. Their hard work does not go unnoticed by myself and the members of the Dover community. We at Platts Motors are so thankful for such a supportive customer base, which allows us to continue serving the Dover community for all you car repair needs.”
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