MS4 & Watershed Management

Stormwater Management Ordinance

(The link above redirects you away from the Dover Township website and forwards you to a website hosted and maintained by American Legal)

Stormwater BMP Manual (DEP)

Homeowners Guide to Stormwater BMP Maintenance (DEP)


Are You in the MS4 Area?

Use the link to the full size interactive map link below to find out if you are within the MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) area. The areas within the MS4 boundary are held to a higher standard for controlling stormwater runoff as it directly impacts the runs, tributaries, streams, creeks and rivers leading to the Chesapeake Bay!

Full Size Interactive MS4 Map

Map of Dover Township's Municipal Storm Sewer System. Includes inlets, pipes, manholes, BMPs and other stormwater assets.


Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program

A portion of Dover Township is permitted through the United States Department of Environmental Protection (EPA) and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Program referred to as the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). See the map above or click here for full size interactive map.

This program issues permits to municipalities for the discharge of stormwater into the creeks, streams, rivers and ultimately for Dover Township, the Chesapeake Bay.  The intent of the MS4 Program is to reduce pollutants.

The Township’s permit covers a 5 year period, during which, we must measure our efforts in 6 different areas.  These areas are referred to in the permit as Minimum Control Measures (MCMs).  Annually, the Township must report to the Pennsylvania DEP on how it has improved, changed, and managed these areas in order to stay in compliance with the permit.

Minimum Control Measure #1
Public Education and Outreach Program

Under this program, Dover Township must develop a plan to reach all segments of the community and educate them on the causes and impacts of stormwater pollutants, including the steps they can take to prevent it.  The Township must develop lists of target audience groups like residents, businesses, developers, schools and municipal employees.  The Township must distribute material through our newsletter, pamphlets, or flyers and place information and links to the Pennsylvania DEP and the US EPA on our website for the public’s information.  We also must distribute material to target audiences through a minimum of two other means beyond our printed material and website.  We must review this program annually and determine its effectiveness as well.

Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Watershed Alliance of York (WAY)


A Homeowner’s Guide to Stormwater Management (2023) After The Storm
After The Storm (en español) Bay Journal Article on Eagle View Park
BMP Inspections Article (2021) Disconnecting Sump Pumps
Fox Run Floodplain Restoration Greenscaping: The Easy Way to a Greener, Healthier Yard
Guidelines for Maintaining Streams in Your Community Let’s Be Stormwater Smart, PA
Living Streamside Maintaining Detention Ponds
Managing Stormwater: It Starts at Home (2018) Oil and Water Don’t Mix
Rain Barrel Maintenance Small Project Guide (2018)
Spring Creek Stormwater Activity Book Stream Maintenance Booklet
Tyler and Alex MS4 Avalon Project (2016) When It Rains It Drains


Minimum Control Measure #2
Public Involvement and Participation Program

Requirements under this program consist of providing information on how the public can participate in the decision making process surrounding the stormwater program.  This includes having at least one public meeting annually to discuss the program and request input.  It also includes advertising ordinance changes in a local newspaper, so that residents are aware of the potential of new regulations being passed with the opportunity to provide input.  Lastly, the program details how residents can report a possible illicit discharge or pollution event.  As with the previous program, we must review this program annually and determine its effectiveness.


Annual MS4 Report (2023-2024)
NPDES Notice of Intent (Extension to 2025)
York County Regional Chesapeake Bay Pollutant Reduction Plan (2020)
Stormwater Management Ordinance

(The link above redirects you away from the Dover Township website and forwards you to a website hosted and maintained by American Legal)

Annual MS4 Presentation (2016) Creating A Rain Garden (2016)
Homeowner Guide to Make Your Property Bay Friendly (2013) Riparian Buffer Presentation (2015)
Preparing For The Storm (2014)


Minimum Control Measure #3
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program

Requirements under this program consist of identifying and mapping the entire stormwater system, including the MS4 area and areas that are considered a high priority for illegal discharges. Municipal staff must screen outfalls during various seasonal conditions at least once during the 5 year permit term.  The Township must develop procedures to detect and eliminate illicit discharges in the field.  Efforts should be made to evaluate educational or inspection based programs to prevent on-lot septic system failures.  Methods to obtain access to properties through agreements with property owners must be developed.  Development, passage and implementation of a stormwater management ordinance to enforce this program and prohibit non-stormwater discharges into the stormwater system is required.  Dover Township must provide an Educational Program to target audiences regarding illicit discharges.

Stormwater Pollution Door Hanger
Stormwater O&M Agreement
On-Lot Septic Ordinance
Report a Pollution Event
Swimming Pool Facts
Minimum Control Measure #4
Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control

Dover Township relies on the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permits which are administered by the York County Conservation District to assist with the management of this program.  Under an agreement with the County regular inspections of construction activities are performed and enforcement procedures are enlisted to bring compliance.  Dover Township is informed of all inspections and their outcomes via letter and tracks that compliance is obtained.


Minimum Control Measure #5
Post Construction Stormwater Management in New and Re-Development Activity

Under this program Dover Township must require the use, proper selection and inspection of stormwater infrastructure to minimize water quality issues through the development process.  Tracking of these new systems is also required.  Adoption of ordinances that establish the procedure for review, approval, permitting, financial security and inspections of the facilities are all necessary steps under this program.  Measures of development and implementation of low impact techniques are to be instituted and tracked as development occurs.  A written program to inspect the facilities and have enforcement authority to mandate corrections for deficiencies is mandatory.  A list of facilities must be maintained along with ownership determination to obtain compliance.

Groundhog Stormwater Facility (2023)


Low Impact Development Lot


Minimum Control Measure #6
Post Construction Stormwater Management in New and Re-Development Activity

This program requires identification and documentation of all municipal operations that could impact water quality including listing all facilities owned and operated and the activities performed there.  A written plan to track these activities and the education of the employees is required.  Some activities include:

  • Street sweeping
  • Snow removal/Deicing
  • Inlet/Outfall cleaning
  • Lawn/grounds careIMG_0912
  • General Storm water
  • Maintenance/Repairs
  • General Stormwater Maintenance/Repair
  • Park and Open Space Maintenance
  • Municipal Building Maintenance
  • New Construction and Land Disturbances
  • Right-of-way Maintenance
  • Vehicle Operation
  • Vehicle Fueling
  • Vehicle Maintenance
  • Leaf/Yard Debris Disposal


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