Share Your Transportation Experience in York County

Affordable and high-quality transportation is important for all people to fully participate in our local economy and increase their economic potential. United Way of York County is partnering with Fourth Economy to learn more about how York County residents travel in and around the county, and a first step in this process is gathering direct experiences to inform on the current conditions and transportation needs.

Your feedback is an important piece in better understanding individual traveler experiences and will go a long way in improving travel patterns in our county. This survey will take approximately 6-7 minutes. Please feel free to share it with your networks.


The only requirement for taking the survey is that respondents live, work, or study in York County. The survey is available in Spanish by toggling the language in the top right corner. Individual responses will be kept confidential. The collected information will be combined, and no personal identifiers will be shared.

Thank you for taking the time to take the survey!